C’BEZT Only Exclusively Use Local Ingredients. Myth or Fact?

A few chicken pieces on top of a wooden plate.

SourceShardar Tarikul Islam/

C’BEZT has proudly embraced a commitment that goes beyond just creating delicious meals. Every ingredient, from chicken, flour to the aromatic blended spices are 100% sourced locally. Even our burger buns processed domestically.

This is a deep reflection of CAS Group‘s deep-seated commitment to nurturing the growth of Indonesia’s agricultural sector as well as its food and beverage industry.

In fostering collaborations with local suppliers, C’BEZT not only ensures the freshest and highest quality raw materials but also display a profound trust in the capabilities of Indonesian suppliers. This trust is a testament to the rich tapestry of expertise that our local partners bring to the table.

Choosing local raw materials isn’t just a pragmatic decision for these establishments; it’s a conscious effort to showcase and celebrate Indonesia’s natural and cultural wealth.

Each bite tells a story of the diverse landscapes and vibrant heritage that make Indonesia unique.